Groomer Report for week ending Feb 28
Dan Riblett
With super warm temps, grooming was halted for the first half of the week. We did get the cats out Thursday and Friday. Great Meadow has a TON of water showing, be CAREFUL if you wander out that way.
Thurs- The PB 100 went to the 37 Road via Daley Prairie and south to Deadwood, then north to Fish Lake resort. The cat returned via the Brown Mountain Trail.
Friday- The PB 100 went to Cold Springs and to the top of Pelican Butte and returned.
Friday- The PB 400 went to Fourmile via the Pierce Trail to Fourmile trail, then to Rye Spur, then back via the East Fourmile Trail and across Hwy 140 at the Great Meadow to groom into Lake of the Woods and returned to the barn.
Temps were in the mid 50’s most of the day. Snow is very soft in the afternoons, hard in the mornings.